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The Chronocycle encounter

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Bénévole qui pousse des caisses

A very short essay about the mysterious Chronocycle.

Spoiler (Sélectionnez le texte dans le cadre pointillé pour le faire apparaître)

Juste pour le plaisir d'écrire en anglais, comme TSG , un essai très court sur cet objet mystérieux qu'est le fameux Chronocycle. C'est un ballon d'essai. Si je devais développer davantage ça pourrait s'intituler Chronicles of the Chronocycle .

The Chronocycle encounter

Physically speaking the Chronocycle, or rather the known part of the entire machine, is a stainless steel disk weighting 4.2 tons, measuring 6m diameter and 25cm thick.

Apart that very little is known about the Chronocycle usage or even about the intent of the Chronocycle designer(s). Moreover, beginning with him(them) who is(are) the Chronocycle designer(s) ? Is it an engineer ? Is it an artist ? Is it a human ? Is it an extra-terrestrial being ? Is it a Titan ? Is it a God ? Or a combination of these options ? Nobody knows.

What is well-known is its shape. As a disk the Chronocycle is round. Simple intuition tells us that what is round is meant to rotate. But does the Chronocycle follow or does it defy intuition ? We can't be sure about that. Just pretend the Chronocycle follows intuition and then let's investigate from that point.

A disk may be a data disk. That's a valid option. Except that nobody knowns where to mine the data to be decoded. Actually the only manifest data on the disk surface is some enigmatic drawing with a theme around humanity, time and death. Until now, all further attempts to extract more information from the disk have been defeated.

Hence, let's pretend the disk is not a data disk and the rotation mechanism is not a decoder. Instead let the name speak by itself rather than enforcing it to obey our preconceptions. The Chronocycle could just be a Kronoscycle. That is an object related with time.
However let's be clear.
The Chronocycle is not a clock. The Chronocycle is not a timer.
No chance it could be. Except the aforementioned drawing, the disk surface is just plain boring flat.

So we are presented a time artefact. May be an uncompleted giant clock. Or may be something more disturbing. Think about a clock for an unknown immortal species. After all, just add it a giant chain and it makes the perfect fob watch to measure how long one is living as an immortal Titan.


Ersatz de régnant.

Le style n'est pas mal, il y a quelques maladresses mais dans l'ensemble c'est très bien.

A propos du Chronocycle, quand et où a-t-il été trouvé ? Ce sont des détails qui mériteraient de figurer dans ton texte, pour rajouter des détails factuels mais qui peuvent rajouter leur part de mystère. Si le Chronocycle a été trouvé dans un champ, c'est bonus. Si c'était en 1950, c'est bonus. Si c'était en Mongolie inférieure, c'est bonus. Smile


Bénévole qui pousse des caisses

Big bonus pour la date de découverte : c'était l'année 2000 icon_surprised

Sinon pour le reste je n'ai aucune information.

:: Accueil Créations Récits et Ecriture ► The Chronocycle encounter

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